
Rapid Referral Teams

The Straightest Path from Where Your are Now to Referrals Flowing Your Way

It’s That Simple.


Rapid Referral Teams

The Straightest Path from Where Your are Now to Referrals Flowing Your Way

It’s That Simple.


Tired of Aimless Networking?

Sick of Getting Little or No Return from

Your Existing Referral Networks?


Form your own Rapid Referral Team made up of

3 – 6 of your existing business associates and

kiss unproductive referral networks goodbye.


      • Consistent Referrals

      • No Ongoing Membership Fees

      • Proactive Referral Training (This is the Secret Sauce)

      • Reliable Cash Flow

      • Your Own Productive Referral Network

Money Back Guarantee*



Referrals come from people who already know you, not

from randoms you just met at a networking event.

The training gives your team all the skills to proactively

refer business to each other in your own tight referral network.


                                  So Gather Your Team of 3 – 6



This training has been specifically designed for pre-formed groups of 3 – 6 business owners

who already know, like and trust each other. The training will give them the skills to

proactively exchange referrals with their teammates so EVERYONE benefits.


  • Develop a Referral Generation Strategy

  • Learn Referral Generating Communication Techniques

  • Learn the 2-Part Process for Proactively Generating Referrals

  • Your Team Exists for One Reason – To Proactively Generate Referrals for All Teammates


                                 Need help building your team?

                                   Click HERE and let’s discuss.


    Your team will become a highly productive referral network due to the world-class training.


                              Note: These are high-conversion warm referrals, not cold leads.

       No Ongoing Membership Fees. None. Zip. Nada.


                The Australian Referral Training Academy is not a membership organisation.

Thank you for your training yesterday. It was definitely beneficial, and I look forward to really incorporating some of those tips you mentioned.

Fiona Carter, Marketing and Communications

“Yours was the best workshop I’ve seen.

Very entertaining and full of practical tips and

advice for the group.”

Monika Ewen, Event Manager

“I would like to express my appreciation for the training and assistance that I have received from Steve Sweeney. During our training, Steve shone as he was able to move to the student’s side of the table. Instead of remaining at the front and dragging us through a set stack of PowerPoint slides, he made the entire experience interactive and spent time where we needed help and clarification while going through the subject matter. This flexibility engaged our team and made the training an enjoyable experience – and helped us to retain the knowledge!”

Paul Ostaff, Business Consultant

Referral Training Creates Confidence

“Steve’s experience and advice are an integral part not only to the growth of my business but to the growth of my client’s businesses as well.  His engaging and charismatic approach to referral marketing lifts you to take action and improve your business.  I have learnt a great deal from Steve in the short time I have been working with him and I will continue to engage him and refer him to my clients if they require additional strategies to effectively grow their business.”

Darren Xerri, Accountant

In-Person 3-hour Session


Zoom 3-hour Session

$699 per person + GST

Suited to teams of 3 – 6 Business Owners

Price includes 3 Facilitated RRT Meetings

Book Now, Get Trained and Start Generating Referrals.

Money Back Guarantee*

If your team implements the prescribed training and you don’t receive a referral from your teammates in the first 2 months after the training is complete, you’ll receive a full refund and 1 hour of private referral coaching.

TrainerSteve Sweeney
Date & TimeBy agreement
VenueOnline via Zoom or In-Person in your Workplace.

Note: Our trainers will adjust the workshop content to suit the professions represented in the session.

Some answers…



The problem with aimless networking is you don’t know where your next client is coming from. It’s impossible to run a business this way.

This course teaches participants to proactively generate referrals via a unique 2-part process so you are certain where your next client is coming from.



This course has been designed to assist business owners operating across all service sectors.

It is collaboration at its peak.

Your teammates must already know, like and trust each other. Bring them together and leverage this relationship to form a  referral powerhouse.



The workshop teaches communication skills and referral generating techniques that improve business outcomes. This happens via a series of training exercises that build skills and knowledge.

Complete this course and your days of aimless networking are over.




Online via Zoom or at your workplace.

Australia wide workshops are possible.  (Additional costs may be incurred for in-person workshops run outside Melbourne.)



By Agreement.

The training schedule may be adjusted to suit participants.





Unique Workshop Structure and Content

Relationship Building Activities

Unique 2-part Proactive Referral Strategy

Referral Communication Skills Training

Steve Sweeney

Your Trainer



“Steve’s workshops are the best I’ve ever attended. He connects with the group and shows them how to do business fast. The sessions are fun, informative and business gets done.”

Elisa Elkins, Allegra Financial.

Steve Sweeney

Your Trainer



“Steve’s workshops are the best I’ve ever attended. He connects with the group and shows them how to do business fast. The sessions are fun, informative and business gets done.”

Elisa Elkins, Allegra Financial.